Creating – Manifesting – Abundance

Okay, I admit the title of this is to hook you. You searched Google for Abundance, or maybe manifesting and ran across this post. And you want the steps, the HOW TOs to create the Life you want. You want to bring more money into your life! You want freedom and abundance and happiness. Love, appreciation, security, stress-free living.

I am here to tell you it can happen. Today – Honest! You Can Do IT! that’s the good news. The interesting and really useful bad news is – it isn’t what or how you think. Do you still think that stuff is going to make you happy?What i want

  • More Money
  • Great Relationships
  • Cool Stuff!! lots and lots of cool stuff!
  • Please click on the picture to the right for the key.

I’m going to simplify this lots. And I’m not saying this is really easy to do. But it gets easier. It isn’t the stuff that you likely think will make you feel: happy, successful, relaxed, safe, free, worthy, fulfilled, generous, open, respected, energetic, etc. Track it back – double dare you! If you write out all the things you want to manifest and then write out the whys. Distill it all down. I’m betting that what you will find is that the things you think you want Peace On Earth (safety), Clean Environment (security), Money (either of the other two or the ability to get more stuff – or maybe Fun). All of the things we want lead back to WAYS WE WANT TO FEEL. Loved – Loving.

You can Feel That Way Right Now! Really – give it a try. Come on – isn’t LIFE AN EXPERIMENT? (Yup!!!)

Start by writing down what you want – the stuff. Then write down how you think it will make you feel. This is where really paying attention to yourself is so useful. You have a Lot to tell yourself. Then start writing a Huge Big Gratitude list for all the things in your life right now that your are grateful for, that make your feel the way you want. Even if just a little. Imagine feeling enthusiasm, notice when you do. Imagine feeling joy, decide what feeling joy is for you (it has always been a bit tricky for me – enthusiasm I get – joy – it is quieter more subtle I have to pay attention more closely inside to catch it). And Love – have to admit – that is such a big overused word. Gosh we know we love, we know we’ve been loved but how do I feel it. Well I find that KINDNESS – I can feel kindness Much More Easily. Kindness for myself, kindness to others, kindness to critters, the planet, things. I love (smile) being kind to my car, Flow. It can just be patting the dash when I get in – but she knows that I appreciate what a great job she has done for over 200,000 miles and we don’t intend an end in sight!

As you write your gratitudes and feel appreciation for all the blessings that you have I know that you will start to feel the safety or enthusiasm or fun that were your bottom line goals for manifesting. Practice gratitude daily, practice noticing when you feel abundant, happy and free. Focus on noticing the feelings that are your true wealth and they will grow and your cup will run over.

Blessings and May You Thrive!

Abraham a good review of emotions

Vision Board – For some Fun make a vision board and enjoy positive feeling about the stuff you want!

Make Miracles in Forty Days – by Melody Beattie



MoreBeautifulWorldHuge! Hope has been a huge gift to me. My daughter has been giving me hope her whole life. Friends, books, workshops, speakers, churches, art classes-projects-processes, NATURE, scenery, Drives (guilty pleasure – one of many). Many things have given me hope over the years. Now my son-in-law and granddaughter, the cohousing community in BC I get to spend time at, my little studio in Sandpoint, my cats, my LIFE give me great hope.

Hope is the gift I’d like to give to you today! One thing I know for sure – thanks Oprah – is that LIFE IS GETTING BETTER EVERY DAY! Despite the media – which I stay as far away from as possible – avoiding even Yahoo on the way into some of my emails – My Life and the Life of most of the people I know is getting better every day. In measurable ways! More connection to other people, more willingness to step out a bit and meet folks, more bravery to have a little fun.

Many years ago I read a book by Willis Harman “Global Mind Change.” First published in 1988, it was the first time I ever read that a change of consciousness had the potential, in fact it was the only potential that could really change the world. It was the first book that articulated for me the limit that science has to solving all the problems – especially those caused (aren’t they all) by human emotions. Just being human.

Twenty seven years later and OMG Willis would be So Thrilled with “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible” by Charles Eisenstein. He takes the expansion of human consciousness and heart and weaves them with great kindness into a story that we can believe in. The story has many paradoxes, isn’t painted out in detail, has lots of potential for co-creation. The disasters, grief and challenges of planet Earth and her peoples are not ignored. In fact they are everywhere. But the how and what to do and how to be to make it all better; to know it is already all better, are in the book also.

TRUST that there is a loving universe behind the holographic chaos (my words not his) and have great HOPE that every day in every way – it is all Beautiful.